Thursday, April 10, 2008

Wednesday night review

I'm stealing from my friend Neil here...but I think this is a good way to rehash:

Our computer kept messing up last night.  Joshua and I had a long talk about that this morning and he's defragmenting right now to see if that will help--HOPEFULLY!!!  That gave us trouble in the worship service, but it was still good in spite of the problems.  I absolutely love the song, "Breathe," which we sang last night.  I love crying out to God that I'm DESPERATE for Him because that's how I feel so many times.

With "Desperate" in mind, that brings me to my message.  Yesterday had been a CRAZY day.  It seemed like I went from one meeting to the next without a moment in-between.  I was either meeting with someone in person or over the phone ALL DAY, so when I finally sat down yesterday afternoon to start putting my thoughts down on paper for the sermon, I knew I didn't have much time.  Lo and behold...Gordan Allen that I was supposed to be meeting with later shows up...about 45 minutes early.  I was really glad he was there early because he was giving us the final details on our sanctuary renovation process that's coming up, but I still hadn't gotten anything on paper for my message.  I got him settled in where we were going to meet with him and started zooming back to my office when Ms. Allie said I had a phone call.

Needless to say, by the time the day was over and it was time for me to preach...I literally had a post-it note in my bible with the point of the message and that was all.  I had been thinking about the message since Monday, but I didn't have ANYTHING on paper to refer to.  Last night was one of those nights that I was praying...God just get me through this...and I think He came through (as if I should be surprised.)  We had a good night!  I'm so glad that God covers over our shortcomings!

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