Friday, April 11, 2008

The Glenn Cup

Okay, it's not an actual cup, but it IS some fierce competition.  My brother is coming into town this weekend with his family.  I'm looking forward to it because we always have a great time when we're together.  Unfortunately, we are all very busy, so we don't see each other as often as we'd like.  However, when we do get together, it's always fun.

What's not fun (or I should say--not fun and games) is our fierce golf competition.  The three of us (Doug, my dad, and myself) LOVE to beat each other on the golf course.  AND, my situation right now is that the last time I played my brother and the last time I played my dad...I lost.  That would place me squarely in third place out of three.  NOT GOOD!!

SO, tomorrow morning, bright and early, I'll be trying to work my way into second place by beating the stuffing out of my brother.  May not happen, but I'm going to give it my best (may even cheat a little if necessary!!)

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