Friday, July 18, 2008

Here's Joe!!!

Here's the video I promised yesterday...this is a video of the man who "reverently" proclaims the Word of God every Sunday at FBCV doing "Hello, My Name is Joe." Please...don't fire me!! HA!!!!

EDIT FROM THE WIFE: Be sure to watch the video all the way to the end. It only gets better! I'm so proud!


Baylee's Mommy said...

I think i would have paid money to see this LIVE.

4 J's said...

So Dan, how much weight did you lose last week? That looked like a work out! Me and Joey laughed until we cried! Too funny!

Anonymous said...

WOW....that's really all one can say....WOW!

Anonymous said...

too funny but good workout,i too would like to see this in person too.

Anonymous said...

Dan, Nicki is rubbing off on you too much!!!!!! Love it Dude's 99!!

Anonymous said...

Dan, Nicki is rubbing off on you too much!!!!!! Love it Dude's 99!!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad someone else is getting embarrassed on the world wide web this weekend besides those of us your lovely wife posted old pictures of. Just so you know, I needed that laugh and oh, it was a GOOD laugh!

Anonymous said...

That is by far the funniest thing I've seen in a LONG time! However, you did sound a little out of breath towards the end! You're as big a goofball now as you were in college.